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Twitter explained in plain english video

Askwiki Exclusive
I’ve been Twittering and I must admit its addictive. I think its real-time updates feature is what mainly draws people to Twitter where they share updates on what they are doing or their brief thoughts. In one of my previous post i had shared details on How twitter was born. Now here i wanted to share how twitter works and what is twitter all about.

Here is a plain English video explaining twitter. Credits: Commoncraft

Simply put, a Tweet is a message sent on Twitter. To send or receive a Tweet, you have to create a free account with Twitter. Once you have an account, you can begin building your network of contacts. You can invite other users to receive your Tweets, and you can follow other members' posts.

Tweets can only have up to 140 characters before the system cuts off the rest of the message. Tweets can only contain text -- members can't include pictures, video or other computer files with Tweet messages. Some people call Twitter micro-blogging -- very short messages. Users can update people about what's going on, like a blog, but the messages themselves are limited in length by system constraints.

So tweet yourself and the know how good it works for you. Hey, by the way here is a twitter song i liked... i should rather say the twitter dance song. Enjoy

If your are looking for some cool and useful twitter resources do visit..Technowiki which has a brief list of twitter resources... So happy twittering !!

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